Which team will win the 2022/2023 Credit Suisse Super League championship?
Swiss Football Data has compiled various forecasting methods to produce the most accurate season forecast possible for the 2022/2023 season:
A proprietary forecasting model (Robot) based on over 2,000 Super League matches and 1,000 simulations of the season
The predictions of over 130 football fans who have already played our Beat The Robot 3.0 betting game.
The betting odds of the official Swiss sports betting provider Sporttip
According to the three different models, BSC Young Boys will win the championship with a probability of just under 54%, followed by FC Basel with just under 30% and FC Zurich with just under 12%. All the other teams follow behind in 4th-10th place.
It is interesting to note that football fans are more confident about Basel (+7.4%), Lugano (+11.4%) and FCSG (+3.1%) than they are about the Robot. Accordingly, FC Lugano, but also FCSG, could be good for a surprise.
Conclusion: BSC Young Boys and FC Basel are clear favourites to win the championship. The surprise team of the season could be FC Lugano or FC St. Gallen.
Source: Spoiler alert! This team is going to win Super League season 22/23 - Swiss Football Data