Navigation improvements on the Sorare website

Sorare has introduced significant improvements to optimize navigation on the Sorare platform and provide Sorare managers with a more engaging and user-friendly experience:

  • The "My Lineups" tab has been deleted to reduce confusion. Matches and lineups can now be conveniently accessed via the "Lobby" tab.

  • The Rivals lobby has been updated: games are now organized by date without having to switch between tabs. Games are grouped by league, and favorite leagues can be marked.

  • The Pro Lobby has also been revised: There is now a permanent game week selector at the top, similar to Rivals. The upcoming game week on the web platform has been standardized.

  • The changes apply to Sorare: Football on iOS, Android and Web. The "My Lineups" tab for football on Android will be removed soon.

  • The match history remains accessible in the "My Club" tab so that other managers can view your performance and playing style.

Thilomen Mortadella

NFT-Friend, Transfer-Expert related to Sorare

J-League is back


Super League GW 459