Sorare points calculation

On this page we explain the Player Score of the player cards on Sorare. This somewhat complicated system is very important and you must be able to understand it. Only in this way can you correctly assess the value of a player. The Player Score is the points that a player receives for his performance on the football field. The points are divided into "Decisive Score" and "All-Around Score" and into positive and negative actions.

are the decisive points in a game (goal, assist, etc.) and determine the score level.

are the points for less important actions in a game and vary from -5 to +12 points.

Decisive score (decisive points)

The decisive score determines the level of points as shown in this graphic:

Sorare Decisive Score

Below you can see what effects positive and negative actions can have on the level:

Decisive Score Sorare

Level upgrade examples due to the Decisive Score

If the player has a negative deciding score (or is balanced), he remains at level 0. This means that he receives 35 points from the "Decisive Score" (if he has played from the beginning).

If the player has a positive "Decisive Score", he does not fall below a score of 60 (Level 1). He therefore receives at least 60 points from the "Decisive Score".

If his "All Around Score" is positive, the points are simply added to the points from the "Decisive Score".

All-Around Score (less important actions)

The All-Around Score are the points for less important actions in a game and vary from -5 to +12 points. The points are simply added to or subtracted from the decisive score. The following distinction is made between outfield players and goalkeepers:

All Around Score Scorare
All Around Score Goalkeeper

On the Sorare-Date app, you have live access to the point distribution of your players. It looks like this:

SorareData Playerscore
SorareData Scores
Sorare points distribution

What is meant by double-double, triple-double, triple-triple?

The three categories of points are as follows:
Tackling - Pass intercepted - Tackles won

3+ tackles, 3+ passes intercepted, 3+ tackles won

2+ tackles, 2+ pass intercepted, 2+ tackles won

2+ tackles and 2+ passes intercepted OR
2+ tackles and 2+ tackles won OR
2+ passes intercepted and 2+ tackles won